CDS - Cube Design Studio
CDS stands for Cube Design Studio
Here you will find, what does CDS stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Cube Design Studio? Cube Design Studio can be abbreviated as CDS What does CDS stand for? CDS stands for Cube Design Studio. What does Cube Design Studio mean?The architecture & planning business firm is located in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
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Alternative definitions of CDS
- Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd
- Central Depository System
- Credit Default Swap
- Consejo de Seguridad
- Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer
- Correlated Double Sampling
- Controlled Dangerous Substance
- Color Doppler Sonography
View 306 other definitions of CDS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CEPL Castel Electronics Pty Ltd
- CA Curtin and Associates
- CCL Clan Contracting Limited
- CIN The Cure Is Now
- CRS Copperhead Road Saloon
- CUKL Contractor UK Limited
- CDSC Central Desert Shire Council
- CC The Capital Corps
- CMI Custom Machines Inc.
- CFPL Core Focus Personnel LLC
- CCD City Connect Detroit
- CCA Capitol Chevy Austin
- CMRL Constantine Metal Resources Ltd
- CDSD Central Davis Sewer District
- CCPE The Center for Corporate and Professional Education
- CASL Corrosion and Abrasion Solutions Ltd.
- CPL Connect Personnel Ltd
- CMHC Calvert Manor Healthcare Ctr
- CFASB CFA Society Bahrain
- CIGSL Commonwealth Inclusive Growth Services Ltd